Already in the nineties, WIKUS targeted the market by cooperating with welding distributors. One of the first companies was Fortuna Stahl GmbH, that sent machines and tools to start the Aceros Fortuna company in Mexico. It took multiple years to gain traction in the market. Since 2011, Alberto Enriquez Faure has been spearheading the WIKUS efforts in the Mexican market and has been an integral part in our success.

Today, WIKUS is a top supplier in the Mexican market to multiple welding and non-welding distribution partners. Over the years, WIKUS has been able to secure some large end-users, also distribution partners (distribution partners may be both: users and re-sellers). Distribution partners, who uses material means that these distributors are also Steel and Aluminum Service centers (specialty steel distributors), and cut their materials with WIKUS band saw blades for their customers’ needs.
Aceros Sueco Palme, is one of the newer partners in the market that has successfully promoted the WIKUS brand across the country. As one of the largest Steel and Aluminum Service Centers in Mexico we are proud to have them as a key distribution partner, that stocks and markets the WIKUS brand. With over 100 saws in their facilities to be able to service anything their customers may need.
We foresee further growth by widening our efforts through direct and indirect business. We are on an excellent path to further shorten the sales cycles and take advantage of favorable market conditions to further expand our presence and grow our market share.